
Sunday, November 9

black man

man, what a week ...

um, I haven't ranted in quite some time: perhaps I have nothing to rant on/about. I have recently been making a lot of homemade beers: a couple from kits - a stout and a draught; and also I'm now fermenting some leatherwood honey beer from a recipe that I found in a great book on wine-making and beer making ... and I've been doing the ol' non alcoholic ginger beer - fizzy goodness. If you want any recipes, just let me know. 

I am yeast man - I have a sourdough on the window-sill named Reginald ... which Nadine put to good use, I have a ginger beer started called Gerry to keep him company, the shed is filled with bottlos and I shall be pickled in Hobart very soon. 

The weater is fine, and I shall start to decide what I'm doing with music very soon ... what is it with the ants in Hobart??? 


live in Hobart - 24/10/2008

Saturday, November 1

oh my GOD

I've been doing dome googling ... and I've found some gems.

go to this website -

This Germanic-like bloke Hans Reichel is bloody fantastic - he invented the daxophone ... which is one of the most expressive instruments I've ever heard in my life. It sounds like the human voice and then ... like nothing I've ever heard of before.

Also - to make a Hank drum - go HERE

find Rod Cooper on the net ... there's one youtube that show's a beautiful creation or three of his.