
Monday, June 12


2006 - Is this a desert? - AUS$10 - currently out of print

2004 - the balloon - AUS$10

To read about CDs go -> here
or some free listens then go to the myspace link on address bar to the right of your screen.

You can buy through mail order and you'll receive a fantastic, lovingly crafted and packaged delight in the mail.

Money orders -
71 Central Avenue
Moonah, Tasmania
Australia 7009

Soothsayer stuff

future projects -

2008 - I shall be hopefully touring in a couple of places in Europe in the first half of 2008: I will hopefully play in Berlin solo and also with Robert Curgenven (Aus). Oslo, Norway, with the wonderful Rockettothesky who is a native there.

After these wonderful events I shall be relocating from central australia to Hobart, Tasmania, where I hope to drop some of my extra-curricular activities and move onto more interesting planes of existence.

Conceptually speaking of course, I'd like to eventually figure out some minor opus stuff for myself ... I'd dig mixing classical and acoustic funk. Some form of fusion ... once upon a time I was a bit of mahavishnu orchestra fan so you'll have to forgive the wankiness of all of this. I'd like to create a sweeping piece that takes the listener on some wonderful ride the likes of which they've never experienced before .... wow, sounds good doesn't it? The beginnings of such an endeavour has already been undertaken ... it involves an E ... another E except higher up ... a D and an A bending towards a Bb ... nice hey? Needs a little work.

Also thinking of setting up a musical collective for extraneous-to-the-mainstream music ... perhaps silly stuff. This may include anyone from anywhere on the planet since I reckon we can send music back and forth between groups and we can all add stuff over the top just to see what comes out at the end ... or the middle ... or any other point between the close and the far end of the string. Any takers? e-mail me

Other future projects for the boy Brightlulb involve him getting married to his girlfriend - the gorgeous, warm, sexy and wonderfully passionate Nadine Kessler ... getting some rental house somewhere and holing up for the winter.


Tuesday, June 6

replace your yellow cartridge

Gatto giallo ... aaaa profundo me!

Caro mio! Che lingue e questo?

It occurs to me that the whole situation with hearing music in your head, ie the tune is "stuck" in your head, is really just an auditory hallucination and any ideation around thinking that music is, in actual fact, real ... is merely an indication of the lack of collective insight that we as a music-loving society have. In actual fact, there IS no such thing as music. I'm sure the DSM-V will have something to say about that when it finally becomes available.

because of ghosts
sam and tully

Saturday, June 3

a new thing

unfortunately ... I have a propensity to garner help from people who have no way of helping me when it comes to making a CD ... I can't get to a damn computer with a mixing program on it ...

in healthier news -

I have a gig at the Settlers Cottage out of the gap Saturday night, 3rd June at around 10pm at Jamnesia (changed venues) ... hope it works well and it ain't too cold for me fingers to move along a squeaky fretboard ... but I shan't fret.

In other news ... I have a new myspace website at the behest of a friend who shall remain nameless ... I shall stick some Brightlulb music on there to download in mp3 formattage.

and my neck is better now ... Steve the chiro is a GOD! Larapinta drive ... he's very serious but there's humour there somewhere.

This is a fat ol' ghost gum,
photo by Jerome Santospirito